Why Does My Cane Corso
Sleep So Much?
Are They Lazy Or Should I Take Them To The Vet?

by Ken Alden

So why does my Cane Corso sleep so much? Is this common for the breed? Or might there be some other reason? When you adopted your dog, you thought that you would have a running or walking companion, but it seems that all it wants to do is sleep...a lot.

Why Does My Cane Corso Sleep So Much?

Your Cane Corso sleeps so much because it is normal for them. They sleep an average of 10 and 12 hours a day. Puppies sleep longer because they are growing at a fast rate. Indoor dogs sleep longer than outdoor dogs because they can relax more when inside.

It might seem that Cane Corsos sleep more often than you would like, but they sleep on average about the same amount as humans do. To learn more about Cane Corso’s sleep habits, let’s move on. Read More Below...

Pro-tip: Ever try lifting a Cane Corso? Their weight can hurt not only your back but their joints when they hop down from cars, sofas or even your bed. To protect your back and theirs check out the best Mastiff ramps on Amazon.com now.

Why does my Cane Corso sleep so much?

How Long Do Cane Corso Dogs Sleep?

On average, a Cane Corso sleeps about as much as you do, but because they have different length sleep cycles, they often take several naps during the day. Most pure carnivores have a similar sleep schedule. But if they are woken up from a nap, they are ready to go immediately, even if they are in REM sleep. 

But puppies sleep much longer because they grow and build joints and muscles during their sleep time. Because they need more sleep than adult dogs, their exercise regimen should be lighter to give them enough time to sleep.

How Long Do Cane Corso Puppies Sleep?

Cane Corso puppies are very energetic until they run out of steam, that is. Once they run out of energy, they curl up and sleep for as long as they need. They can sleep up to 20 hours per day, which allows for muscle repair and growth. They can play and be active for, say, 20 minutes, then fall asleep where they are. 

How Much Do Cane Corsos Sleep?

Cane Corso adults sleep between 10 and 13 hours a day, as they have a solid sleep routine compared with puppies. They sneak in naps whenever they can but are ready to go at a moment’s notice. They enter REM sleep quicker and complete their sleep cycles more quickly than humans do.

Pro-tip: Cane Corso anxiety, aggression, destructive chewing, jumping up, fearfulness, and other behaviors can be controlled with the right training program.

Here’s a great course that addresses these issues along with many other dog training basics: Check it out now!

Do Cane Corso Dogs Spend a Lot of Time in REM Sleep?

REM sleep, or Rapid Eye-Movement sleep, is the deepest sleep phase that mammals and birds enter before waking up. It is characterized by low muscle tone and the eyes moving quickly and is a completely restful sleep stage. The benefits of spending enough time in REM sleep are: 

  • Improved memory
  • Decreased appetite
  • Decreased aggression
  • Improved mood
  • Better physical performance

When Cane Corsos sleep, they spend around 12% of the time in REM sleep, where they vividly dream. The rest of the stages take the rest of their 12-13 hours of sleep per day. When they nap, they are in a stage one sleep, where they can wake up quickly, ready to go. Puppies spend more time in REM sleep, as they need more time to grow and develop. 

Outdoor Corsos might not spend as much time in REM sleep because they cannot relax as much due to threats that might be present. A passing car, a predatory animal, or visitors represent threats to a Corso as they are protective by nature.

What Sleep Positions Do Cane Corso Dogs Prefer?

The sleeping position that your dog prefers depends on its personality, whether it’s taking a nap or in a deep sleep, and what is going on in your home. Indoor dogs have three positions they prefer when sleeping, while outdoor dogs sleep in one basic position. The following positions will tell your dog’s state of mind:

  • Sleeping on their stomachs. This suggests that they are on full alert and are ready to jump up at the slightest threat or activity. 
  • Sleeping on their sides. This is one of the most restful positions, and it says that your dog is comfortable around you and its home. 
  • A “Superdog” position. This is where your dog is spread out like it is flying. While this is also a restful position, your dog is ready to go when you start doing something.

When dogs sleep outside, they prefer to curl up in a ball with their tails, heads, and paws wrapped around them. The reason for this is that they are protecting their vital organs and heads from predators and conserving body heat. Dogs that sleep outside in this position tend to be tense and don’t often enter REM sleep because of perceived threats.

Pro-tip: Cane Corso's (and their owners) love dog crates…and for good reasons. Crates keep dogs from mischief while you're away, are perfect for house training, for traveling by car, and provide the dog a place to de-stress. Check out the best Mastiff crates on Amazon.com now.

Are Cane Corso Dogs Lazy?

Among the many dog breeds, Cane Corso dogs are more active and are ready to go at a moment’s notice. They love to run and play, but they also are great working dogs for the ranch or farm. While they do work in short naps throughout the day, they are ready to be active as soon as you grab their leash and harness.

However, because of how many naps they take per day, many people seem to think they are lazy. 

Puppies and senior Corsos sleep a lot longer than adults in their prime, but this is normal behavior, and it’s something you needn’t worry about. Puppies need more sleep because they are growing, while seniors naturally are less active due to age and a slowed metabolism. Senior Corsos need up to 20 hours of sleep per day!

If My Cane Sleeps a Lot, Might There Be Something Wrong Medically?

If your dog sleeps more than 20-22 hours a day, or less than 10 hours per day, there could be something medically wrong. They could have a sleeping disorder, an infection, or a disease that would cause them to sleep much more or much less than normal. 

On the other hand, they might need more exercise or stimulation in their day. Sometimes, pets sleep more often because they are bored and lack the motivation or encouragement to do things besides sleeping.

Read even more about Mastiff sleeping habits on this page of ours.

When Should You Call the Vet?

If you think your Corso is sleeping too much during the day, you might want to call your vet to get some advice before taking it in for an appointment. The vet will ask some questions about your dog’s sleeping and eating habits and other signs that your dog shows that might indicate an illness, and they might ask you to come in with your Corso to run some tests. 

The vet might conclude, after some tests, that your dog is healthy and needs a little more exercise and stimulation during the day. If that’s the case, try adding an extra walk during the day if you have the time. 

Another reason that your Corso might be sleeping a lot is that it is not getting the right amount of nutrients in its food. If that’s the case, ask your vet for better food options or daily supplements.

Why Does My Cane Corso Sleep So Much?...Final Thoughts

On average, Cane Corsos sleep 12 hours per day, which is a bit longer than how much humans sleep. So it’s not an abundance of sleep, but since they take naps during the day, it might seem to the casual observer that Corsos sleep so much. 

Other dog breeds don’t sleep as much, but since the Corso is a working dog bred to be active, they work hard and sleep hard, which is completely normal. If you keep them active and stimulated, they will have more reason to stay awake rather than sleeping all the time.

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About the Author...

Ken Alden, a dedicated Mastiff owner for over eight years, is acclaimed for his expertise in care, grooming, and training. Read more About Me and my dog Shadow.

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