Can a Cane Corso Live Inside
or Outside? 
Which Do They Prefer?

by Ken Alden

So can a Cane Corso live inside or outside or even in an apartment?

A lot of breeders think that Cane Corso is the quintessential guard dog—robust, massive, and adaptive to varying living environments…but are they? How well do they handle cold or hot weather? Or even the small confines of an apartment?

Can A Cane Corso Live Inside Or Outside?

- As a whole Cane Corso’s prefer living outside but not below freezing temps.
- Their coats shed in the spring which will keep them cool in the summer too.
- They can adapt well to inside or apartment living if they're exercised.

Stick around as we shed some light on the mystery of this breed's survivability and resilience. We'll go through some of the most frequently asked questions about this dog to find out whether it's a fact or just another case of an overly-hyped breed. Read More Below...

Pro-tip: Ever try lifting a Cane Corso? Their weight can hurt not only your back but their joints when they hop down from cars, sofas or even your bed. To protect your back and theirs check out the best Mastiff ramps on now.

Can a Cane Corso live inside or outside?

FAQs on a Cane Corso's Survivability

It's a well-known fact that this dog is more likely to survive varying weather conditions than most dog breeds. However, what a lot of owners don't know is that there are limitations to what this dog can tolerate. 

When indoors, an adult is calm, relaxed, and quiet. When outside, though, both adults and puppies outperform the energy and athleticism of most mastiff breeds. They seem to do well outdoors, but can they actually live there?

Here are some of the frequently asked questions to help you gain a better understanding of their survivability indoors or outdoors:

Can a Cane Corso Live Outside?

Cane Corsos prefer to live outside—they love it and will most likely thrive there. Providing them with an outdoor shelter is the ideal setup for this breed because it'll give them enough space to run, sit, and play. It keeps them healthy and reduces the risks of developing various health conditions, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, dilated cardiomyopathy, muscular myopathy, and bone cancer.

There's nothing wrong if you want them to live inside your house, they wouldn't mind it either. But similar to other giant dog breeds, having the freedom and flexibility to play and exercise without restrictions is what they need to thrive. So before you decide to adopt one for your house, make sure that there's enough space outside. It's not a prerequisite, but your dog will thank you for it!

Pro-tip: Cane Corso anxiety, aggression, destructive chewing, jumping up, fearfulness, and other behaviors can be controlled with the right training program.

Here’s a great course that addresses these issues along with many other dog training basics: Check it out now!

Can Cane Corso Live Outside in Winter?

This dog can adapt to varying conditions with the help of its two-layered heavy coat. You may have read about some issues when they shed—excessive at times—but it's their way of adapting to cold and hot weather.

In late spring and summer, this breed will start to shed like no other dog. It's their natural cycle to prepare for the winter, wherein the underlayer of their coat develops new, thicker hair. It'll make them more resilient to cold weather, but they're still vulnerable to extreme cold. 

The general rule for breeders is to take their dogs inside when the temperature drops below 32℉ (0℃). When it drops even lower, you may want to place them in a heated room to keep them comfortable. If that's not an option, you can give them a "doggy coat" to keep them warm.

Cane Corso and Hot Weather: Do They Handle It Well?

Cane Corso's seasonal shedding doesn't only keep them warm. Shedding starts in late spring because shorter hair helps them live through the hot weather of summer. In late summer to fall, new hair starts to grow, preparing them for winter.

It's a cycle that improves their resilience—you just have to keep up with it. 

They shed to make their coat thinner, preparing them for hot weather, but similarly, they're only more resilient than other breeds. They're still vulnerable in scorching environments, and may not survive without proper care.

If the weather gets too hot, you may have to provide your dog with clean, cold water to stay well-hydrated. Some breeders even have a separate, well-ventilated space, where their dogs can cool down.

cane corso puppy

Many Cane owners also wonder about how well Cane Corsos tolerate hot or cold weather, just what are their limits? This article answers just that.

Are Cane Corso Good Inside Dogs?

A Cane Corso can live inside your house. He wouldn't mind it, but you might! Shedding is the primary reason why a lot of owners want to keep this dog outside. Sometimes, it becomes excessive that if you keep them inside your house, you may have to vacuum several times a day.

If that's fine with you, then this breed is a good inside dog. Adults tend to be quiet, laid-back, and calm. It's how they behave when inside small spaces. Sometimes, they're okay to doze the day away, but they'll be back to their playful nature as soon as they go outside. 

Fun Fact: This dog may be a progeny of a long-serving military dog of the Roman Empire, but they're soft-hearted and highly protective of children.

If you decide to keep this dog inside your house, he'll be gentle with kids, and even treat them as his own. It has to be a two-way street, though, because this dog can be sensitive to emotions. You'll need to teach your kids to treat your dog well, and he'll reciprocate with great devotion. 

Pro-tip: Cane Corso's (and their owners) love dog crates…and for good reasons. Crates keep dogs from mischief while you're away, are perfect for house training, for traveling by car, and provide the dog a place to de-stress. Check out the best Mastiff crates on now.

Can Cane Corso Live Alone?

Cane Corsos are independent, and you can leave them alone. That's if you wouldn't mind their behavior if they grow up without adequate socialization. This dog is a highly social breed that needs constant companionship to be polite and well-mannered around people.

When you leave them alone, they'll survive, but their temperament changes. Your dog may become aloof, highly suspicious of strangers, and increase their tendency to be defensive when they face someone unfamiliar.

They enjoy being around people and animals, which will keep them occupied and prevent boredom. Trust me; you don't want a bored Cane Corso inside your house—that'd be devastating! 

Before you adopt one for your house, make sure that you can give him enough attention. It'll serve as part of his training, and will help you have a well-mannered war dog. Just imagine how cool that would be! 

Can a Cane Corso Live in an Apartment?

Yes, this dog can live in an apartment, and it can adapt to limited spaces by staying calm and quiet. However, since there's not much space to play, you'll have to exert extra effort to provide your dog with adequate exercise.

Compared to other mastiff breeds, this dog is highly athletic. They need rigorous exercises to stay in shape. The problem is that adults don't move around as much as they should when inside an apartment. That's why it's highly advisable for owners who are raising Cane Corsos in apartments to take them out for daily exercises and a short playtime.

It doesn't have to be extensive exercises—one long brisk walk every day should do the trick. If you can give it to your dog, then he wouldn't mind living with you in an apartment.

gray cane corso

This article of ours covers more in depth about what to expect and prepare for when living with a Mastiff in an apartment.

Can A Cane Corso Live Inside Or Outside?...Some Final Thoughts

Needless to say this dog breed is durable! Not only does it make for a great pet but also gives owners the flexibility of keeping it inside or outside!

We do though recommend close monitoring of outside temps during the peaks of summer and winter as temps can fluctuate a lot depending upon your locale, especially night time winter temps.  Exercise too should be a regular regimen for this dog regardless of whether you live in an apartment or not.

Giving them some sort of shade during the summer as well as a soft place to sleep is recommended as well.

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About the Author...

Ken Alden, a dedicated Mastiff owner for over eight years, is acclaimed for his expertise in care, grooming, and training. Read more About Me and my dog Shadow.

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