Are Cane Corso Good
Running or Hiking Dogs?

by Ken Alden

Are Cane Corso good running or hiking dogs? 

If you have an active lifestyle that includes running, hiking, and camping, you'll no doubt want a dog to accompany you on all your adventures. But you want to make sure that the dog you get can keep up with you without any physical damage or overexertion. 

Are Cane Corso Good Running Or Hiking Dogs?

A Cane Corso can make a good hiking dog, as long as you take breaks occasionally. But it’s not wise to take a Cane Corso running very long or far, as they can often overexert themselves, plus the pounding of a heavy dog isn't the best for their joints. It’s best to stick to a short walk in very warm temperatures, as they get overheated quickly.

Taking your dog for a walk or run is natural for dog owners, so if you have a Cane Corso and you are active, stay tuned to discover the best ways to care for it and still run or hike with your canine buddy. Read More Below...

Pro-tip: Ever try lifting a Cane Corso? Their weight can hurt not only your back but their joints when they hop down from cars, sofas or even your bed. To protect your back and theirs check out the best Mastiff ramps on now.

Are Cane Corso good running or hiking dogs?

How To Leash Train a Young Cane Corso

There are many sources online about how to leash train a puppy, especially those breeds that are more dominant and aggressive, as they can be more difficult to train. When hiking or running, you need to have your Corso on a leash, especially if there are other dogs and people around. So if you’re into hiking or running, you’ll need to train your Corso puppy right away on how to be on a leash.

The first step is to get your puppy used to wearing a harness. If a puppy has never worn a harness before, you will need to go slow and gradually build up a tolerance to it. But once our puppy is comfortable in the harness, attach the leash and start going for short walks to practice walking on a leash.

The second step is to teach your young Cane Corso to walk beside you or slightly behind you because if a Corso is allowed to walk ahead of you, it will assume dominance over you. Command it to stop at a certain spot, then reward it with a treat for obeying you. If it doesn’t obey you, then firmly say no, then keep going. Never yell or be cruel to your puppy, as it wants to please you.

When your puppy is ready to be on the leash, you can then take it running or hiking.

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Running and hiking are great for exercise, but so is walking!
Here's some great walking your Cane Corso tips.

Weather Dictates How Far Cane Corso Dogs Can Run

Corsos don’t do well in hot weather, so running more than three miles is not recommended for a Corso without resting and a lot of water. If it’s hot and humid outside, it might be better to take your Corso for a short walk instead. Your dog needs daily walks to expend its energy, and the walks need to occur during the cooler times of the day to keep your dog cooler. 

Since dogs don’t sweat as humans do, they are more prone to overheating. To prevent overheating, a Corso should have plenty of rest breaks while running or alternate between walking and jogging to keep their joints from getting damaged. 

Puppies should not be required to go as long, as their bones and joints are still growing, and going that long could damage them. Intense exercise sessions should be reserved for healthy adult Corsos, as those sessions could be rough on a puppy.

Pro-tip: Cane Corso anxiety, aggression, destructive chewing, jumping up, fearfulness, and other behaviors can be controlled with the right training program.

Here’s a great course that addresses these issues along with many other dog training basics: Check it out now!

Cane Corsos Can Hike Longer Distances

When it comes to are Cane Corso good running or hiking dogs they tend to do much better hiking...

If you want to take your dog to the mountains or woods for hiking, they can hike up to eight miles per day if they are in good health and can rest along the way. But they can, if given enough water and rest breaks, hike up to ten miles per day as long as it isn’t too warm outside. The amount of activity they can do depends on their age, health status, and prior activity level.

When you’re on a camping trip, your Corso will be a great companion to walk with you and protect you from other animals or humans.

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Here's a helpful article about the exercise needs of a Cane Corso.
Large dogs have different needs in this area than do smaller dogs so it's best to know just how much exercise it needs as to not over do it.

Signs of Exhaustion in Your Dog

When you’re out on a run or hike, and your Corso starts to slow down or starts panting more than normal, it could mean that it is exhausted or overheated. If that happens, you will need to slow down and make sure your dog gets enough water. 

The signs of exhaustion include taking a long time to recover from exercise, drinking more water than normal, and your dog lagging behind you. You can find a full explanation of the exhaustion signs and a brief description below.

Your Dog Takes a Long Time To Recover

A healthy Corso should have no problems with fully recovering after a walk or run, so if your dog seems to be taking longer than normal to be up and active, it could be that it is exhausted from over-exercising. While you will need to take your Corso out for potty breaks, try to refrain from too much exercise until your dog feels up to it. 

Pro-tip: Cane Corso's (and their owners) love dog crates…and for good reasons. Crates keep dogs from mischief while you're away, are perfect for house training, for traveling by car, and provide the dog a place to de-stress. Check out the best Mastiff crates on now.

Excessive Panting After or During Exertion

If your dog is panting excessively during or after exertion, it might mean it is overheated and should be moved to a cool location with plenty of water. Dogs can become overheated quickly as they don’t sweat to cool themselves down. So when you notice your dog panting more than normal, it’s time to sit down in the shade for a while. 

Your Dog Drinks More Water Than Normal

Along with panting to cool itself off, your Corso will drink more water than normal when they are exhausted or overheated. When your dog takes a rest, be sure to provide enough water, as a Corso can become dehydrated very quickly. If you notice your dog drinking more water than it usually does, it might be too exhausted to continue a run or hike. 

Your Dog Lags Behind You

Normally, a Cane Corso will either walk or run beside you or try to get ahead of you. But if your dog is falling behind and has difficulty keeping up, your dog is probably exhausted and needs a rest.

There Is More Stiffness in Your Dog’s Muscles

A Corso has a lot of energy normally and can move quickly and without effort. However, when your Corso is exhausted, they have more difficulty getting around due to stiff muscles. At this point, you need to let your dog take a rest. Try massaging your dog’s limbs and other muscles to provide some relief, or try heat therapy to soothe its muscles.

When To Take a Break

While Cane Corsos need a fair amount of activity to stimulate a healthy body and mind, they also need a good deal of rest to recover and repair muscles. Let your Corso dictate when it needs a break and when it is ready to resume activity again. 

During your runs or hikes, be sure to schedule breaks for rest and water for both you and your Corso. If you’re taking a young Corso on runs or hikes, be sure to schedule breaks more often, so your puppy can recuperate more often to avoid inflicting damage on their young joints. 

Are Cane Corso Good Running Or Hiking Dogs?...Final thoughts

A Cane Corso is a breed with a lot of energy and a need to please its master. But, in its desire to please you, it might over-exert itself and become exhausted. At that point, you should consider slowing down a bit to help your canine friend rest before continuing on your run or hike.

Corsos make fine companions when running or hiking, but you will need to remember to go at your dog’s pace rather than yours, especially if your dog is less physically fit than you are or if your dog is older and needs to go slower. 

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About the Author...

Ken Alden, a dedicated Mastiff owner for over eight years, is acclaimed for his expertise in care, grooming, and training. Read more About Me and my dog Shadow.

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